Get A Constant Flow Of Eager Clients Walking Through Your Door

We automate your lead generation and sales conversion systems, so you can spend LESS time running your business and MORE time growing it, serving clients and doing what you love.

200+ happy clients

3+ years of experience

Guaranteed results

Do you answer 100% of your phone calls perfectly? How about website visitors, social media messages and Google My Business inquiries?

How many calls & messages do you think you miss per week?
And how much is a customer worth to you?

Most businesses are literally leaking money by NOT having an automated process to turn every person who says "I'm interested" into a lead and a client.

We solve this problem forever by creating an automated way to capture, filter, and schedule every person into an appointment on your calendar.

We then follow up in a kind but persistent way until they become a client — Effectively turning visitors into clients 24/7 for you.

So you can save time, automate your client-generation efforts, and boost your sales.

We have worked with 200+ companies.

Here are 3 ways we can serve you

Missing calls during the weekend or after hours?

We can automate the process so that every lead submits their info, the system stores their info and filters the tire kickers, and your team can follow up in order to bring new sales.

Need qualified appointments now?

We can run an AI Reactivation Campaign (ARC) to your existing and past clients in order to bring repeated business.

Want a centralized place where you can see all your leads and client pipeline?

We can organize all your leads and potential deals into a simple-to-use CRM that automatically follows up with people depending on where you place them in the pipeline.

Get New Appointments In The Next 7 Days (And Then Put That Momentum On Autopilot.)

Stop Risking Money On Ads

If you have a database of prospects or existing customers, there's a great chance that you can get an impressive surge of immediate sales just by sending a marketing campaign to them. Getting your campaign in front of these prospects is usually free.

We'll Do The Work For You

We'll create and deploy this marketing campaign for you so you can focus on what you do best, which is making your customers happy. We even send it out to your prospects for you.

Immediate Revenue

Our job is to generate new appointments in 7 days or less. And them install the automated systems so you can keep getting appointments every month.

We specialize in service-based businesses with strong reputations who sell via appointment.

Accounting firms & Financial planners

Construction & Home Services

Spas, Gyms & Saloons

Dentists & Chiropractors

Marketing & design agencies

Lawyers and Professional services

Here are some of our happy clients:

Texas-based construction & interior design company: $15,000 in sales over a weekend

US-based investment & consulting company: $9,000+ promotion

California-based law firm: $20,000 in consistent monthly sales

We have worked with over 200 companies in all verticals and niches, including CPAs, lawyers, construction companies, consultants, coaches, saloons, wellness clinics and more.

Certified by:

Here's What To Do Next

Step 1: Book A Demo

Join in on a fun and interactive demo where you can get your questions answered and see how everything works. We'll show you how we can automate your lead generation and sales conversions, including our guaranteed appointments service.

Step 2: Get Appointments

We'll start with a zero-risk trial, where we'll get you as many appointments as you want in 7 days, with ZERO ad spend... or you pay NOTHING.

Step 3: Automate Your Sales

We'll put the entire system in autopilot, so you can receive a constant flow of new leads and customers every week (without doing any of the work). The result is generating more profits while spending less time in the office.

Meet our founder, Santiago Phoenix

Growing up, I saw my dad struggling to get consistent clients for his guitar teaching business.

I became obsessed with helping experts with transformational knowledge (doctors, accountants, yoga instructors, etc) reach the people they are here to serve.

Today, I have worked with more than 200+ companies, including some of the top marketing agencies in the world. My specialty is creating "evergreen sales systems" that attract new clients on autopilot, so you can focus on serving your clients and enjoying your life.

I live in Portugal and work mostly with US companies (we can do everything remotely).

Nothing would make me happier than seeing you thrive in your business and become "fully booked" with the people you're here to serve.

There's a big AI trend coming, and most small businesses aren't aware of how much time and energy they can save with a few, strategic automations.

You want your business to be well known, respected, and successful. And in order to do that, you need a dependable way to get new leads and turn them into customers consistently.

The problem is that while most businesses are amazing at making their customers happy, nobody really shows you how to generate new customers in a way that's dependable and cost effective.

Ads are expensive (and it's hard to know if they're working). Referrals are great but it can feel awkward to ask for them (and they're not always consistent.)

Plus, many business owners simply don't have enough hours in the day to focus on generating new sales.

You're already working hard enough just running the day-to-day operations.

That can make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. And let's face it, "slow months" can be downright scary and stressful.

We understand the fact that as a business owner, you are truly part of the very backbone of our society.

You're the one who takes the most risk, creates the jobs, and works the longest hours. That is why you should also be the one enjoying higher profits, with less time spent in the office.

But growing your business can feel overwhelming, complicated, and expensive.

And a lot of times the marketing plans consultants recommend sound great on paper... but can end up leaving you with nothing more than a hole in your pocket.

That's why we've spent the last 3 years discovering what works best... and using that insight to bring you simple done-for-you marketing campaigns that actually get results, are fast to deploy, and bring you what you want most: Eager to work with you clients, consistently.

Want to test-drive our services?

We'll get you NEW appointments in the next 7 days, with ZERO ad spend... or you don't pay.

Get your questions answered and see a real-time demonstration of our appointment-generating campaign during a free 20-min call.

Working from Lisbon, Portugal serving clients worldwide.

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